Getting Things Done (GTD) Template

Quickly record anything you want to process later in your inbox. Sort and arrange according to dates, tasks, or situations. If it's a project, the next step, or a reference, process it. Examine and make changes to your references and task lists.

With the help of productivity consultant David Allen's GTD method-based task management system, you can use this template to create a time-tested system.

You can now communicate with your team and share files and documents without switching between apps. With all of your team's discussions, resources, and tasks conveniently arranged in one location, you can complete tasks more quickly.

Home Page Navigation:

Provide a centralized hub for navigating through different sections and pages within the "Gathering Things Done" Notion template.

Links to various pages, such as Personal, Inbox, projects, Next Action, Teams, Lists, Task Calendar, Priority, etc.

Quick Action Tab:

a. New Task:

Facilitate quick entry and tracking of individual tasks.

Status: Indicates the current status of the task (e.g., To-Do, In Progress, Completed)

Contexts: Describes the contexts or settings in which the task needs to be accomplished.

Deadline: Specifies the due date or deadline for the task.

Assignee: Identifies the person responsible for completing the task.

Team: Associates the task with a specific team or group.

Priority: Assign a priority level to the task (e.g., High, Medium, Low).

Energy: Reflects the energy level required to complete the task.

URL: Provides a link to relevant information or resources.

Projects: Links the task to relevant projects.

b. New Project:

Streamline the creation and management of projects.

Status: Indicates the current status of the project (e.g., Planning, In Progress, Completed).

Contexts: Describes the contexts or settings related to the project.

Deadline: Specifies the overall deadline for the project.

Assignee: Identifies the person responsible for the project.

Team: Associates the project with a specific team or group.

Priority: Assign a priority level to the project.

Energy: Reflects the energy level required for the project.

URL: Provides a link to relevant project-related documents or resources.

c. New Reference:

Enable the quick addition and organization of reference materials.

Status: Indicates the status of the reference (e.g., Active, Archived).

Contexts: Describes the contexts or categories to which the reference belongs.

URL: Provides a link to the reference material.

Projects: Links the reference to relevant projects.

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My Task:

Provide a focused view of tasks organized by timeframes: Today, Tomorrow, Next 7 Days, and Previous Tasks.

Tables for each timeframe, containing task-related information.

  • Today: Name: The name or title of the task. Deadline: The due date or deadline for the task. URL: A link to relevant information or resources related to the task. Status: Indicates the current status of the task. Project: Specifies the project to which the task belongs. Priority: Assign a priority level to the task.
  • Tomorrow: Similar to the "Today" table, this table organizes tasks that are scheduled for tomorrow.
  • Next 7 Days Table: The same columns as in the "Today" and "Tomorrow" tables, organizing tasks scheduled for the next 7 days.
  • Previous Tasks Table: The same columns as in the "Today" and "Tomorrow" tables, showcasing tasks that have already been completed or are past due.

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My Projects

Provide an organized view of various projects with associated attributes for effective project management.

A list of different projects, each with specific attributes.

Attributes for Each Project:

a. Status:

Definition: Indicates the current status of the project (e.g., Planning, In Progress, Completed).

Use: Helps quickly understand the stage of each project.

b. Area:

Definition: Specifies the domain or category to which the project belongs.

Use: Provides context about the nature or focus of the project.

c. Reference:

Definition: Links to relevant references or source materials associated with the project.

Use: Allows easy access to background information and resources.

d. Leader:

Definition: Identifies the person leading or managing the project.

Use: Clarifies responsibility and leadership roles within the project.

e. Team:

Definition: Lists the team members involved in the project.

Use: Facilitates communication and collaboration within the project team.

f. Deadline:

Definition: Specifies the overall deadline for the project.

Use: Helps in time management and ensures timely completion.

g. Notes:

Definition: Provides a space for additional notes or details related to the project.

Use: Allows for documentation and communication of important project-related information.

h. Archive:

Definition: Indicates whether the project is archived (completed or closed).

Use: Helps in categorizing and managing completed projects.

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  • Project Calendar: View project-related deadlines and milestones in a calendar format. Identify upcoming project deadlines and ensure timely completion. Collaborate with team members on project timelines.

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  • Task Calendar: Visualize individual task due dates and deadlines. Plan daily or weekly tasks by referring to the task calendar. Ensure that task deadlines align with overall project timelines.

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  1. The Personals Notion template serves as a central hub for users to access and navigate different sections or views. Let's discuss each category briefly:


Provides a focused view of tasks and activities scheduled for the current day.

Task list or calendar entries for tasks with a due date set for today.


Offers a preview of tasks and activities scheduled for the next day.

Task list or calendar entries for tasks with a due date set for tomorrow.

Next 7 Days:

Presents an overview of tasks and activities scheduled for the upcoming week.

Task list or calendar entries for tasks with due dates in the next 7 days.


Allows users to review and reflect on tasks and activities completed in the past.

Task list or calendar entries for tasks that were due in the past.


Provides access to a comprehensive view of different projects and their associated details.

Links or a summary of the various projects, possibly organized by status, leader, or other relevant criteria.

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In Page we have Tasks: Quickly jot down individual tasks in the "Tasks" section as they come to mind. Use this space as a temporary holding area for tasks before assigning them to specific projects or deadlines.


Capture details about new projects in the "Projects" section.

Include information like project name, Status, Deadline, Area and Task, and any initial thoughts or ideas.


Gather relevant references or materials in the "References" section.

This can include links, Folder, Task and Name.

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  1. Projects:

    Manages and details various projects, including their status, team members, deadlines, and notes for efficient project tracking and collaboration.

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  2. New Action:

    Serves as a quick entry point for adding new tasks with essential details like status, context, deadline, assignee, priority, energy, URL, and project association.

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  3. Reference:

    Provides a dedicated space to store and organize reference materials, links, and documents for easy retrieval and future reference.

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  4. Teams:

    Centralizes information about different teams, including members and roles, fostering collaboration and clear communication within the organization.

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  5. Lists:

    Organizes various lists and checklists, facilitating structured planning and task management for different aspects of projects or daily activities like Next Action, Waiting For, and Some day.

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    Task Calendar:

  6. Visualizes task deadlines and due dates in a calendar format, aiding in effective planning and time management.
    1. Priority:

      Categories tasks based on priority levels, allowing for clear identification and focus on high-priority activities Like Extreme, High, Low, Medium, and No Priority.

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  7. Energy:

    Attributes tasks with energy levels to help users gauge the effort required, enabling better personal productivity planning Like Extreme, High, Low, Medium, and No Energy.

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  1. Database:

    Acts as a central repository for storing and organizing information, providing a structured and searchable database for various elements within the template, These elements are Areas, Projects, Tasks, References, and Folders.

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  2. Areas:

    Categorizes tasks and projects into different areas or domains, helping users organize and manage their work based on distinct themes or focus.

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  3. Archives:

    Stores completed projects or tasks, creating an archive for historical reference and decluttering the active workspace.

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  4. Log Book:

    Chronicles activities, reflections, or noteworthy events, serving as a logbook for users to track their progress and experiences, Log Book events include Completed, Delegated, Eliminated, and Created.

  5. Weekly Review:

    Facilitates a structured weekly review process to evaluate tasks, projects, and References, ensuring alignment with overall objectives and priorities.

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