Fundraising Toolbox Template

The Notion Fundraising Template is a comprehensive Startup Fundraising Roadmap designed to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex landscape of fundraising for their startups. Whether you're an experienced entrepreneur or a newcomer, this guide offers valuable insights and tools to successfully secure the capital necessary for your business. It serves as a centralized resource, providing a structured and organized approach to the fundraising process, aiding in planning, decision-making, and overall success in raising funds for your startup.

Embarking on a fundraising journey requires careful planning, effective communication, and a well-structured approach. This roadmap will walk you through key stages and considerations to make your fundraising efforts as smooth and productive as possible

Guide And Tool Kits

1. Investor Relationship Management (Investor CRM)

Building and maintaining relationships with potential investors is crucial. Learn how to effectively manage your investor contacts, track interactions, and stay organized.


Gather information about potential investors, including their investment preferences, past investments, and areas of interest.

Enables personalized and targeted communication, increasing the likelihood of investor engagement.


Track and manage interactions with investors after the initial contact.

Ensures a systematic approach to follow-ups and communication, helping to nurture relationships and provide updates.


Document the details of the pitch made to investors, including the presentation, key points, and any feedback received.

Aids in refining your pitch strategy based on investor responses and ensures consistency in communication.

Due Diligence:

Manage the due diligence process, including information requests, document sharing, and communication during the evaluation phase.

Streamlines the due diligence process, providing a structured approach and facilitating transparent communication with investors.


Monitor and document the progress toward closing deals with investors.

Helps track the status of negotiations, agreements, and any outstanding requirements, ensuring a smooth closing process.

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2. Pitch Deck Creation

Crafting a compelling pitch deck is essential to capture investor interest. Discover how to structure and design a winning pitch deck that tells your startup's story effectively.

Pitch Deck Creation" section, the focus is on crafting a compelling pitch deck to capture investor interest. Here's a brief overview of the key slides included


Clearly articulate the problem your startup solves and how your product or service provides a unique solution.

Helps investors understand the market need and the value proposition of your offering.

Title Slide:

Introduce your startup with a concise and impactful title slide that includes the company name, logo, and tagline.

Sets the tone for the pitch and creates a memorable first impression.


Present key financial information, including revenue projections, expenses, and funding requirements.

Demonstrates the financial viability and growth potential of your startup.


Showcase your product or service, emphasizing its features, functionalities, and how it addresses the identified problem.

Provides a visual representation of your offering, making it tangible for investors.


Highlight key milestones, achievements, and user adoption to showcase the startup's traction in the market. Validates the startup's progress and potential for success.

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3. Seeking Feedback

Feedback is invaluable. Understand the importance of seeking feedback on your pitch deck and how to leverage it for improvement.

Seeking Feedback section, the focus is on recognizing the value of feedback, especially on your pitch deck, and leveraging it for improvement. Here's an explanation of the table view included in this section:

Name: Identify the individuals or entities providing feedback.

Tags: Categorize feedback based on specific themes or aspects (e.g., content, design, delivery).

Investor: Specify if the feedback is coming from potential investors.

Status: Track the current status of feedback (e.g., pending, received, acted upon).

Date: Record the date when feedback was received or the feedback session occurred.

Description: Provide a detailed description of the feedback received, including specific insights and recommendations.


Encourages entrepreneurs to actively seek feedback on their pitch deck.

Aims to emphasize the importance of feedback in refining and enhancing the pitch presentation.


Facilitates a structured approach to managing and analyzing feedback.

Enables entrepreneurs to identify patterns or recurring themes in feedback for targeted improvements.

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4. Due Diligence Preparation

Prepare for the due diligence process by organizing all necessary documents and information. Ensure you're ready for investor scrutiny.

Legal & Corporate Records:

Contents: Incorporation documents, contracts, regulatory compliance records.

Purpose: Ensures the legality and proper structuring of the business.

Financial Documentation:

Contents: Audited financial statements, tax returns, budgets, financial projections.

Purpose: Provides insights into the financial health and performance of the business.

Market Research & Analysis:

Contents: Market studies, competitive analysis, industry trends.

Purpose: Evaluate the market positioning and potential for growth.

Intellectual Property & Assets:

Contents: Patents, trademarks, copyrights, licensing agreements.

Purpose: Assesses the protection and value of intellectual property.

Shareholder Information & Agreements:

Contents: Details on shareholders, agreements, and ownership structures.

Purpose: Clarifies ownership and governance structures.

Material Agreements:

Contents: Key contracts and agreements with significant parties.

Purpose: Examines the impact of agreements on the business.

Risks & Litigation:

Contents: Overview of potential risks and any ongoing or past legal issues.

Purpose: Identifies areas of potential concern and legal exposure.

Employee Relations & Benefits:

Contents: Employee contracts, organizational structure, benefits.

Purpose: Assesses the human resources aspect of the business.

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5. FAQs for Investors

Anticipate and address common questions investors may have about your startup. Create an FAQ page to provide quick, informative responses, FAQs have Questions, Answers, and Areas (Customer Support, Finance).

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Ready-Made Templates

6. Investor Updates 

Keeping investors informed and engaged is essential. Learn how to create regular updates to share key milestones and progress.

The section includes examples of Investor Updates (IU) such as Quarterly Updates and Product Launch updates.

IU Examples:

Quarterly Update:

Contents: Highlights key achievements, financial performance, and strategic developments over the past quarter.

Purpose: Keep investors informed about the overall progress and performance of the business on a quarterly basis.

Product Launch:

Contents: Details on the launch of a new product or service, including features, market reception, and initial performance metrics

Purpose: Inform investors about significant developments related to product offerings and market expansion.

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7. Investment Memo

Complement your pitch deck with a detailed investment memo that articulates your startup's value proposition and investment potential.

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8. Equity Ownership Tracking

Maintain transparency in equity distribution by tracking ownership percentages accurately.

This tool tracks equity ownership within a startup and includes the following key fields:

Founder Name:

Identifies individual founders or stakeholders within the startup.


Specifies the type of equity or shares held, distinguishing between founders, investors, or other stakeholders.

Total Share:

Represents the total number or percentage of shares allocated to each founder.

Fully-Diluted Shares:

Reflects the potential ownership after accounting for all possible dilutive events, such as future investment rounds or employee stock options.


Displays the current ownership percentage for each founder based on the total shares.


Allows for additional notes or comments, providing context or details related to specific equity allocations.

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9. Investor Email Templates

Streamline communication with investors using a variety of email templates tailored to different stages and purposes.

The "Investor Email Templates" section is designed to streamline communication with investors by providing a variety of pre-prepared email templates tailored for different stages and purposes throughout the investor engagement process.

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Knowledge HUB

10. Investor Pitch Questions

Prepare for investor meetings by reviewing a comprehensive list of potential questions you may encounter. As Shown in the image below

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11. Investor List

The "Investor List" is a structured document or database that compiles and organizes information about potential investors. It serves as a comprehensive repository to manage and track interactions with individuals, firms, or entities that may have an interest in investing in the startup.

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12. Access to Resources

Explore a curated collection of resources, articles, guides, and tools to enhance your fundraising knowledge.

Entrepreneurs can leverage these resources to enhance their fundraising skills, learn from successful examples, and effectively communicate their startup's value proposition to potential investors.

For Example

Pitch Deck Hunt:

URL: Pitch Deck Hunt

Description: Online platform showcasing real pitch decks from successful startups for learning and inspiration.

Tag: Pitch Decks, Examples

Comment: Diverse collection aiding entrepreneurs in understanding various fundraising strategies.

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13. Fundraising Checklist

Ensure you're well-prepared for each stage of the fundraising process by following a comprehensive checklist. As Shown Below

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