Website Planner Template

A Website Planner Template is a comprehensive document that helps guide the process of planning and creating a website. It typically includes various sections that cover different aspects of the website development process, such as website structure, copywriting, design assets, and individual sections/pages. Here's a detailed description of each component:

  • Website Structure:

This section holds the detailed information about website structure and design which may include theses section,

  • Homepage: This is the main landing page that introduces visitors to the website. It often includes a brief overview of the business or purpose of the site.
  • About Us: A section providing information about the company or individuals behind the website. This may include the company's history, mission, and team members.
  • Products/Services: If applicable, this section outlines the products or services offered by the website. It may include detailed descriptions, pricing, and any other relevant information.
  • Contact Us: Information on how visitors can get in touch with the website owners or administrators. This could include a contact form, email addresses, phone numbers, or a physical address.
  • Blog/News: If the website includes a blog or news section, this outlines the structure and categorization of articles.

  • Copywriting:
    • Brand Voice/Tone: Describes the tone and voice to be used throughout the website. This helps maintain consistency in communication.
    • Key Messages: Defines the main messages that the website aims to convey to its audience.
    • Content Strategy: Outlines the type of content to be included on each page. This may include text, images, videos, and any other multimedia elements.
    • SEO Keywords: Identifies relevant keywords for search engine optimization purposes.

  • Design Assets:
    • Colour Palette: Specifies the primary and secondary colors to be used in the website design.
    • Typography: Defines the fonts and typography styles to be used for headings, subheadings, and body text.
    • Imagery: Outlines the type of images or graphics to be used, including any stock photos or custom graphics.
    • Logo Usage: Describes how the logo should be used and its placement on different pages.

  • Sections/Pages:
    • Individual Page Descriptions: Details the content and purpose of each individual page on the website. This includes the homepage, about us, product/services pages, and any other custom pages.
    • Call to Action (CTA): Specifies the desired action that visitors should take on each page, such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or contacting the company.
    • Navigation Menu: Outlines the main navigation menu and any sub-menus, ensuring a logical and user-friendly structure.
    • Responsive Design: Considers how the website will adapt to different devices, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

By creating a detailed Website Planner Template that covers these aspects, you provide a roadmap for the entire website development process, ensuring consistency, coherence, and a positive user experience. This document can be shared with stakeholders, including designers, developers, and content creators, to ensure everyone is aligned with the vision for the website.

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