Business Plan Workspace Template

Your business plans will become interactive and shareable projects with this Notion Workspace. As you create your plans, use this template to read the next level about collaboration and documentation.

A General Dashboard:

To work on various Business Plan stages, quickly assess your progress, and arrange template documentation.

Three primary databases:

Compiling all stages of the business plan, organizing milestones, and documentation.

  1. Business Plan Database: Ten Business Plan Stages make up this database for business plans. There are instructions and comprehensive data on how to develop the work in each section at each step. Brainstorming, business description, market analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, HR plan, financial plan, control plan, legal plan, and presentation are some of the stages.
  2. Milestones Database: All of the milestones included in the business plan are listed in the Milestones Database. Every Business Plan stage has a set of benchmarks to help you monitor the stage's development and pinpoint its essential elements. It will assist you in team organization as well.
  3. Documentation Database: An external database hosted by Notion containing all the documents pertaining to the Business Plan. Each document can be related to various plan sections by means of the system.

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