Video Project Tracker Template

Better Project Management

Enhanced Coordination and Interaction Among Artists Effective Use of Resources

Enhanced Responsibility and Efficiency

Video Project Tracker is designed to help individuals or teams manage the various aspects of video production projects. It provides a centralized space for organizing information, tracking progress, and collaborating on video-related tasks.

  • Task You can add new Task by clicking on new button It includes a table to list and track individual tasks related to the video project Link each task to a detailed page with additional information such as task description, priority, and progress updates.

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  •  Upcoming Videos: It includes a table to list upcoming videos. Include details such as video No, title, status, Sponsorship Deals, Sponsor and Tas

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    • Upcoming Sponsorship Deals:

      Sponsorship Table: It includes a table to manage upcoming sponsorship deals. Include columns for the sponsor's name, deal details, and the status of negotiations or execution.

      Sponsor: Include a column to specify the sponsor's name. This helps in easily identifying which sponsor is associated with each deal.

      Affiliate Link: Create a column to include the affiliate link associated with the sponsorship deal. This link can lead to the sponsor's website or product.

      Publish Date: Specify the publish date, indicating when the sponsorship deal is scheduled to be promoted or announced.

      Video: Link the sponsorship deal to the corresponding video. This allows for seamless navigation between the sponsorship details and the associated video project.

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Calendar View of Videos:

This section includes calendar view to embed a visual representation of the video release schedule. This provides a quick overview of upcoming video releases.

Event Details:

Ensure each event in the calendar includes relevant details such as video Name, Description, and any linked tasks or sponsorships.

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  1. Video Page

    This section Includes a detailed description of the video


This property represents the name or title of the video. It provides a quick reference to identify the content of the video.


Use this property to track the status of the video in your production pipeline. Common statuses include "In Production," "Filming," "Scheduled," A-Roll", “B-Roll” or “Idea”

Video No.:

IT includes a unique identifier or number to each video. This can be helpful for referencing and organizing videos, especially when dealing with a large volume of content.

Publish Date:

Specify the planned or actual publish date for the video. This helps in scheduling and coordinating promotional activities.

Sponsorship Deal:

Link this property to the associated sponsorship deal for the video. This creates a direct connection between the video content and the corresponding sponsorship arrangement.

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Deal Page:


This property represents the name or title of the sponsorship deal. It provides a quick reference to identify the specific Sponsor deal.

Affiliate Link:

Include the affiliate link associated with the sponsorship deal. This link can lead to the sponsor's website or product, and it's a crucial element for tracking referrals and conversions.

Publish Date:

Specify the planned or actual publish date for the sponsored content. This helps in coordinating the release of promotional material.


Provide information about the sponsor associated with the deal. Include details such as the sponsor's name, company, or contact information.


Link this property to the associated video page. This creates a direct connection between the sponsorship deal and the specific video content it supports.

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Sponsor Page:

Sponsor Name:

This property represents the name of the sponsor. It provides a quick reference to identify and categorize different sponsors.

Sponsor Deal:

Include sections or properties to capture weekly deal and Best Deals

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